Most Conferences: Unveiling the Hidden Drain of Time, Money, and Effort



In the bustling world of professional events and conferences, the back row of seats often becomes the refuge for those seeking an escape from the monotonous routine that characterizes many business gatherings. As a seasoned professional speaker, I recently found myself deliberately positioning in that coveted back row at a conference in New Delhi. The unconventional move was aimed at shedding light on a pervasive issue – the underwhelming nature of most conferences.

The Back Row: A Sanctuary for the Disenchanted

Let’s address the elephant in the room: conference or meeting fatigue is real. The choice of seats, particularly the back rows, reflects a collective sentiment. Attendees, wary of uninspiring agendas and lackluster presentations, instinctively gravitate towards the rear, away from the glaring spotlight of the first few rows.

The Harsh Reality of Conferences-in-a-Box

Conferences, often resembling pre-packaged events, tend to follow a predictable script – mundane content, poorly curated slides, and lackluster speakers. It’s time for a paradigm shift. As event organizers, meeting planners, and conference professionals, we must acknowledge that the audience’s experience is paramount.

Rethinking Conferences: The Call for Change

In my extensive career as a professional speaker, the recurring praise for my sessions being the ‘highlight of the event’ has led me to question the overall quality of conferences. Shouldn’t every element contribute to the success of an event? The realization prompted me to embark on a mission to “Build a Better Conference.”

Energizing Events: A Grassroots Approach

The vision for revitalizing conferences involves injecting energy, purpose, and meaningful engagement into every facet. No longer should events be a mere replication of outdated models. The formula needs a fresh perspective – powerful presenters, thoughtful content, and immersive experiences.

Creating Engaging Agendas

Conference agendas should prioritize powerful presenters, offering thoughtful insights that captivate the audience. Ditch the conventional 45-minute ‘keynote’ and instead allocate time strategically, allowing for meaningful dialogue and interaction.

Enhancing Networking Opportunities

Networking shouldn’t be an afterthought but a central focus. Conferences should provide platforms for meaningful connections, fostering relationships that extend beyond the event.

A Walkaway of Value

Every conference should strive to offer a meaningful walkaway – an experience that leaves attendees with a sense of purpose, knowledge, and inspiration.

Building a Better Conference: A Manifesto for Change

With over 500 speaking events under my belt, I’ve come to realize that the hunger for depth surpasses the fleeting praise. The journey involves developing a book aptly titled “Build a Better Conference,” emphasizing the need for a ground-up approach to event planning.

The Urgency of Change: Time, Money, and Effort

Continuing with the same-old, same-old approach to conferences is a disservice to both organizers and attendees. The conventional setup, with rows of seats facing a main stage, dimly lit rooms, and subpar presentations, leads to a collective conclusion – conferences as usual are a waste of time, money, and effort.

Fulfilling the Audience’s Expectations

The heart of every conference lies in its audience. Recognizing this, we must align our efforts with the expectations of those who make conferences possible. It’s time to replace dissatisfaction with enthusiasm and transform routine into inspiration.

FAQs: Uncovering the Insights

1. Are Traditional Keynotes Still Relevant in Modern Conferences?

Yes, but their format needs a revamp. Shorter, more impactful keynotes can captivate audiences without overwhelming them.

2. How Can Event Organizers Foster Meaningful Networking?

By incorporating structured networking sessions, interactive activities, and dedicated spaces for conversations.

3. Is the 45-Minute Keynote Outdated?

In many cases, yes. A more strategic time allocation allows for focused content delivery and increased audience engagement.

4. How Can Conferences Create Lasting Impressions?

By crafting experiences that go beyond the event itself, leaving attendees with valuable takeaways and a desire for future participation.

5. Can Grassroots Change Impact Large-Scale Conferences?

Absolutely. Small, thoughtful changes at the grassroots level can pave the way for a significant shift in the overall conference landscape.

The era of settling for mediocre conferences is over. As professionals invested in the success of events, let’s collectively commit to building conferences that defy expectations, leave lasting impressions, and, above all, honor the time, money, and effort invested by both organizers and attendees.